Welcome to Edmonton and the Library! EPL has many free services, resources and materials available in 30 world languages to help you transition to and enjoy life in our city.
In addition, EPL has Ukrainian content for newcomers.
Top 10 Resources for Newcomers
Recommended Lists in World Languages
Technology Help
публічної бібліотеки
People Who Can Help
Community Librarians
Every library location has a Community Librarian who can help you find the answers you are looking for.
Settlement Practitioners | Conseillers/conseillères en établissement
We offer Settlement Services to help you with common questions about moving to Canada and settling into a new home. These services are funded by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada and are provided in partnership with the Edmonton Immigrant Services Association (EISA). Services are free for eligible clients.
Library Settlement services can be accessed at the following library branches by visiting them or by calling the phone numbers listed below.
Nous offrons des services d'établissement pour vous aider à répondre aux questions les plus courantes sur l'immigration au Canada et l’intégration dans sa nouvelle communauté.
Ces services sont financés par Immigration, Réfugiés et Citoyenneté Canada et sont fournis en partenariat avec l'Edmonton Immigrant Services Association (EISA) et la Francophonie Albertaine Plurielle. Les services sont gratuits pour les clients éligibles.
Les services d'établissement sont accessibles dans les succursales suivantes de la bibliothèque, en s'y rendant ou en appelant les numéros de téléphone suivants:
Get a Library Card
What will a FREE library card get you? A chance to enjoy instant, endless fun!