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Grades K to 6
Back to School - Lists K-6
Grades 7 to 9
Back to School - Lists Grades 7-9
Grades 10 to 12
Back to School - Lists Grades 10-12
Reading is a fundamental skill essential for learning and future school success. Reading for pleasure, either independently or as a family, is an easy way to boost a child's reading skills. Check out the resources below to find awesome, age-appropriate books.
Themed Booklists by Grade
Booklists: Featured Card
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Personal Picks —for Kids!
Trying to help your school-aged child find awesome, age-appropriate books? We can help! Fill in our Personal Picks form and we'll select some items that match their interests. Choose from funny books, mysteries, true life stories, epic adventures, historical books, graphic novels and more!

Reading programs for school-aged kids encourage reading for pleasure by promoting new and exciting books across a variety of topics, genres and authors. Some programs are run through schools, whereas others are designed for families at home.