EPL Picks
Check out Reading Guides, Book Lists, Recommendations, Read-Alikes and more from EPL Staff and Guests.
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EPL Picks - Featured
Explore Diverse Books with Zeina
Dr. Zeina Sleiman invites you to explore this list that reflects the rich tapestry of diverse cultural experience, voices, and perspectives.
How to Build Great Communities
Be the neighbour you wish you had with the insights from these books recommended by Edmonton Federation of Community Leagues.
EPL Picks: August Staff Summer Reads
EPL staff share their top summer reads! Discover the must-reads our team recommends before the season ends.
EPL Guest Picks: Edmonton's Urban Wilderness
Explore nature and adventure with this Edmonton's River Valley Parks staff-selected booklist! Discover and enjoy the great outdoors.
EPL Picks - Kids Picks
EPL Picks: Edmonton International Cat Fest
Saturday, May 25 marks the 10th anniversary of Edmonton's fabulous feline festival! Celebrate all year long with this fun cat-themed list.
EPL Picks: Mental Health Awareness Month
This list is sure to help your young ones understand what mental health is while also providing them with coping methods and techniques.
EPL Guest Picks: Earth Day Recommendations
Celebrate Earth Day by getting into nature! Valerie Miller's picks encourage kids to explore the relationship humans have with the Earth.
Spring Break 2024: Crack the Case for Preschoolers
Preschoolers' natural curiosity builds detective skills. These stories nurture that curiosity and are fun reads!
EPL Picks - YA Picks
EPL Guest Picks: Nature Guide for Kids
Explore the parks in Edmonton! Check out this list from River Valley Parks staff and join epl2go vans for free fun!
EPL Picks: Mental Health Awareness Month
This list is sure to help your young ones understand what mental health is while also providing them with coping methods and techniques.
May the 4th be With You!
Discover Star Wars beyond the films: books, shows, comics and games. Unearth hidden gems this Star Wars Day!
Exploring Mythological Fiction for Older Kids
Dive into mythological fiction for kids where ancient tales meet modern imagination. Explore timeless adventures.
EPL Picks - Diverse Picks
Every Child Matters: Helping Kids to Honour Orange Shirt Day
Help kids navigate this dark chapter in Canada's history and honour the residential school survivors with these books for 6-12 year olds.
National Day for Truth & Reconciliation/Orange Shirt Day
September 30 is National Day for Truth & Reconciliation & Orange Shirt Day, a time to honour residential school survivors.
Journey Through Indigenous Stories
Check out our booklist and celebrate the rich history of First Nations, Inuit, and Métis peoples.
Celebrating Indigenous Heritage
Browse captivating stories from Indigenous cultures with our curated children's booklist, celebrating diversity, resilience, and wisdom.