Digital Resources on Indigenous History

June is a significant month for recognizing and celebrating Indigenous History Month in Canada. It's a time to honour Indigenous peoples' remarkable history, resilience, and diverse heritage. This month offers an opportunity to appreciate the profound contributions made by First Nations, Métis, and Inuit communities to our society's social, cultural, economic, and political fabric. To deepen our understanding of Indigenous history, some valuable digital resources provide insights into this rich cultural tapestry.

Prairie Indigenous eBook Collection

The Prairie Indigenous eBook Collection is a groundbreaking initiative that brings together over 200 titles from Manitoba, Saskatchewan, and Alberta publishers. It is the first of its kind in Canada and significantly enhances access to stories by Indigenous authors and writings about Indigenous culture. This collection is a treasure trove of knowledge that allows readers to immerse themselves in the wisdom and experiences of Indigenous peoples.

World Book

The World Book resource offers an extensive compilation of over 25,000 encyclopedia articles tailored to suit students from grades 4 through 12 and adults. Edited specifically for educational purposes, this resource provides a comprehensive understanding of Indigenous history and culture. With over 1,800 tables, 100 animations and videos, 10,000 pictures, and 500 maps, it offers a visually engaging learning experience. Additionally, it includes teacher's resources, current news, special reports, and historical articles, enriching the exploration of Indigenous heritage.

Read Alberta Collection

The Read Alberta Collection offers instant access to over 2,000 eBook titles and 42 eMagazine titles from Alberta publishers. This collection encompasses various genres, including literary fiction, graphic novels, poetry, self-help, and young adult literature. Whether you're seeking captivating narratives or informative resources, this collection has something for everyone. The titles are compatible with various devices, including desktops, tablets, and eReaders, ensuring easy access. Furthermore, this resource includes internationally published titles in French, expanding its reach and impact.

We can deepen our understanding and appreciation of Indigenous culture and history by exploring digital resources such as the Prairie Indigenous eBook Collection, World Book (Indigenous), and the Read Alberta Collection. Let us celebrate and honour the immense contributions made by Indigenous communities, fostering a more inclusive and united society.